Dr. Rachel Robinson

Dr. Rachel Robinson
Positions and Education
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Project: The Ontology of Object-Poems in Latin America; Mentor and host university: Prof. Dr. Jenny Haase, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Research Assistant, “Tendencias de la poesía sonora chilena actual” 2021-2022
- Fondo de la Música, Línea Investigación y Registro de la Música Nacional, Investigación, Publicación y Difusión (Director: Prof. Felipe Cussen)
Postdoctoranda (DICYT), Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Advisor: Prof. Felipe Cussen 2020-2021
Spanish Lecturer (contracted with St Catherine’s College; University of Oxford) Oct. 2017-Dec. 2019
DPhil in Modern Languages: University of Oxford, St. Cross College 2015-2018
- Thesis title: ‘Concrete poetics in Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde Poetry’; Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Bollig
MPhil in Modern Languages: University of Oxford, St. Cross College 2013-2015
Bachelor of Arts: Barnard College, Columbia University (New York) 2008-2012
Research Interests
- 20th- and 21st-century Latin American poetry and poetics
- Visual poetry
- Experimental and avant-garde poetry
- Materiality of language
- New Materialisms
- Relational Aesthetics
Visual and Plastic Poetics: From Brazilian Concretism to the Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde (Legenda, 2022).
‘The Spirituality of Language in Cecilia Vicuña’s and Ana María Uribe’s Poetry’ (principal author; co-authored with Felipe Cussen), Bulletin of Spanish Studies (2022), pp. 1-22.
‘Restricciones e instrucciones en la literatura chilena reciente’ (co-authored with Felipe Cussen), Nueva Revista del Pacífico, 75 (2021), pp. 1-18.
‘“PRINTED MATTER”: Rodrigo Lira’s Visual Antipoetics’, Hispanic Review, 89.3 (2021), 265-291.
‘Plastic Poetry of the Page: Cecilia Vicuña’s Instan’, Latin American Literary Review, 45.90 (2018), 33-43.
Forthcoming Publications and publications accepted for publication:
‘Migration Poetry as Translation: The Cases of Cecilia Vicuña, Habib Tengour and Gloria Gervitz’; chapter in Companion to Migration Literature, ed. by Gigi Adair, Rebecca Fasselt, and Carly McLaughlin (Routledge 2023).
Book Review: Poetas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas, published by De Gruyter, 2021 (Hispanic Research Journal, 2023).
‘Precarious Elegy: The Form of Mourning in the Poetry of Cecilia Vicuña’, chapter in Elegy Today: Revisions, Rejections, Re-Mappings, ed. by Adele Bardazzi, Roberto Binetti, Jonathan Culler (Brill 2023).
‘Tendencias de la poesía sonora chilena actual’ (co-authored with Felipe Cussen and Martín Bakero, 2023).
‘Territorios Usurpados (artículos)’, Tenso Diagonal 12 (julio-diciembre 2021): Translations of the following articles (into Spanish)
- ‘Sonetos prestados’ (Annette Gilbert, pp. 67-81).
- ‘En buena salud’ (Simon Morris, pp. 100-121)
- ‘Poesía en la época del contenido generado por el consumidor’ (Craig Dworkin, pp. 122-154)
- ‘Contra el ingles: la escritura conceptual y el poema multilingüe’ (Zoë Skoulding, pp. 155-174)
- ‘Publicación de manifiestos de publicación’ (Michalis Pichler, 212-235)
- ‘Perdón’ (Robert Fitterman, pp. 245-249)
Denisse Lazo, ‘You do not Exist’, Desentrañando Memorias/Unravelling Memories, ed. Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes. London: Market Drayton, Victorina Press, 2017.
Projects in Preparation:
- The Ontology of Object-Poems in Latin America (monograph)
- ‘(Re)presentation of Lack in Carmen Berenguer’s Bobby Sands desfallece en el muro’ (article)
- ‘Rodrigo Lira’s Eco-Antipoetics’ (article)
Academic Presentations and Activities
‘Ontology of Object-Poems in Latin America’ (Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Sommerkolloquium, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) | Sept. 2022 |
Guest editor: Synapse International: https://synaptry.blogspot.com/2022/05/threethree-via-guest-editor-rachel_52.html | May 2022 |
‘Espíritu a través de lo material: Los poemas digitales de Ana María Uribe’ (Objetos sobre la mesa: El giro material en la literatura, Universidad Finis Terrae) | Sept. 2021 |
‘Rodrigo Lira’s Eco-Antipoetics’ (Green Hispanisms Conference, Swansea) | July 2021 |
‘El performance poética de una huelga de hambre: Bobby Sands desfallece en el muro de Carmen Berenguer’ (Primer Congreso Liminal, Universidad de Santiago de Chile) | Jan 2021 |
‘Libros sin papel: IV festival de libros’; Oficina de la nada (Chile) • Contributed to the online festival; https://laoficinadelanada.cl/ | Jan 2021 |
‘La neo-vanguardia lationoamericana: El caso de Carmen Berenguer’ (invited talk, Uni. of Bern) | Nov 2020 |
Argentina Week (Co-organizer) | Oct 2019 |
Round Table discussion and podcast participant (ZTR Radio Instituto Cervantes, London) | Sept 2019 |
‘Juan Luis Martínez a través de Saussure, Barthes y Foucault’ (Invited Talk; La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) | Mar 2019 |
‘The Works of Cecilia Vicuña and Antonella Anedda as Poetic Textiles’ (ACLA Annual Conference, Washington DC ); Presented with Adele Bardazzi | Mar 2019 |
‘The Concrete Poetics of Juan Luis Martínez’ (Latin American Literary Studies Association Annual Conference, York) | Nov 2016 |
'Concrete Poetry and Juan Luis Martínez's La nueva novela' (Spanish Sub-Faculty Graduate Research Seminar, University of Oxford) | Nov 2016 |
‘Betweenness in the Work of Cecilia Vicuña’ (Outside-In/Inside-Out: A Festival of Outside and Subterranean poetry, U. of Glasgow) | Oct 2016 |
‘Brazilian Concrete Poetry’ (Brazil Week 2017, University of Oxford) | Feb 2017 |
What is Concrete Poetry?’ (St Cross Arts Society; Spanish and Latin American Graduate Seminar, U of Oxford) | Feb 2016, May 2016 |